GALLERY/STUDIOS: Yesterday I read through the whole of Jackie Berridge’s a-n studio blog (2007-2010) and was amazed at the hard slog she has been through to get the studios to where they are today. What an inspirational woman. And still there are legal disputes going on! She’s absolutely right that only a practicing artist would set up this type of business.
I’ve also been emailing with her about getting some advice on my own project. I’m certainly not put off yet! In fact, I’m constantly thrilled by the warmth and eagerness to give advice, assistance and encouragement by other a-n bloggers, as well as their openness about their own circumstances. Thanks to a-n for providing this forum.
PROCRASTINATION: I still have a book review to write and am struggling with energy and motivation. I’m a perfectionist, trying to learn to be an imperfectionist. At the moment that means I get things done well, but at what cost? My health has suffered in the past year. Trying to learn how to treat myself gently while still getting things done is my task of the year and is one of the hardest things I’ve attempted.
INTERVIEWS: Up on my website today is an interview with Katherine Faulkner, a PhD candidate at the Courtauld Institute, studying ‘The Sculpted Body: 18th C Dress’. It’s really useful reading for anyone considering a PhD in the humanities.
TWITTER: I officially am in love with Twitter. My interview with Katie, mentioned above, has been RT’d by two people with big followings in the time it took to write the above sentence. Looking forward to having some new readers. Must come up with a plan for organising my time better though! Blogging is one of my favourite things, but, as yet, it doesn’t bring in cash. (Do I sound horrifically mercenary for an artist?)
USA: Can. Not. Wait.