My video "Dreams and Conflicts" which I uploaded to Youtube a year ago has suddenly started to generate a wealth of comments – for no apparent reason!
<a href=""> Venice Biennale</a>
I made it from "mashing "images taken from the Venice Biennale 2003.
Here's some of the comments:
Mytholgys time lapse into todays world
DbOt456 (
It's like an acid trip one time……cool video!
adaminho1994 (
miihq (
scary… :s
ben401334 (
woow beastality
I don't think that word means what you think it means….
ben401334 (
sure lol
lol indeed
very scary! =(
DanskWolf (
uuhi… i think this creatures are a kind of cute^^
vintagecries (
why do people post these videos,,, with no explanation
bucause there is no one single explanation, its open to the interpretation of each individual
I think this dude is possessed…seriously.
1:54 is fake, its also able to find in wikipedia, that fake was made to scare people away from genetic tests!
that rat-hybrid thingy, i dont know but it seems to be fake too
How can a work of art be fake (unless a forgery of another's work)? These are pieces from a bi-annual art show! The pig sculpture may have originated as what you say, but in the context of art there can be nothing "fake." Besides, Wikipedia is notorious for inaccurate information. Somebody may have seen the thing at an art show, snapped a picture of it then made up a story to post. I'm not saying this is what happened, but Wikipedia is a first source, not a conclusive source.