For the past couple of months my on-line book has been taking up most of my time but the interesting thing is that my web movies continue to gather "hits". Unlike a gallery show which lasts for only a couple of weeks work once it is online has a steady audience months after it was put up. This is what has been labelled the "long tail "effect.


Just back from New York. Had expected to be able to update my blog on a daily basis through using internet cafes.

Not so. In New York everyone is WI-Fi and they carry their own personal gadgets ( cell phone, laptops etc) for accessing the internet.

Madison Square Gardens had huge banners advertising that it was Wi-Fi

My budget hotel, the very funky Gershwin just off 5th AVenue had 2 computers with internet access and I used that to update my online book (www.craig-y-nos.blogspot.com). This was situated in a corridor and in much demand by other users; it was also unreliable, gobbling up dollar notes as if there was no tomorrow. Found my room was above one containing at least 10 big Afro-American musicians and thought I wa in for a rowdy night…until I smelt the marijuana wafting up then all became peace and quiet. Walked into a transvestite party in the hotel one night and felt …er…uncool.

And the art? mind-blowing. MOMA is worth seeing for the building alone and the Met. well you could spend days there and not see everything. Too much to see and too much to do.


Early walk before breakfast doing some simple photography with found objects before leaving for New York where life will be anything but quiet…


I like to get out before breakfast with my camera at this time of the year and work with objects I have collected and kept in my studio, like this bone from a sheep.


Sometimes it's good to go out into the woods and make site-specific work, especially after hours in front of a computer writing.