Well, I have just finished the rough edit for my friend's video to go with her exhibition next month in France.

And there's at least 3-4 hours work still to be done to complete the video, make the DVD cover, and of course put the whole thing down to DVD.

Tomorrow I go to London for the weekend and next Thursday fly out to Duhab.

Just checked on the internet and discovered that 30 people were shot in this resort a year ago.

No wonder its a bargain basement winter holiday!

Meanwhile how do I get internet access? The London hotel promises all rooms are WI.Fi but Egypt? that's another matter.


Where have all these photos of Craig-y-nos Castle come from? I must have had around 300 sent in so far.They are very small, often crumpled but clearly treasured memories of a unique experience which girls, now mature to elderly women, are keen to share.
Today the local paper in Wales has had a photo spread ( have yet to see it) and I fear this will result in an avalanche of more photographs.
it is quite extraordinary!


Damien Hirst
Anyone wanting a lesson in media manipulation should read the following link http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol1389313.ece
on how Damien Hirst is "doing Hollywood" with impeccable timing for the Oscars and flying in a 100 members of his staff for the occasion after the New York critics trashed his show in New York.


I am going to have a little moan. You would never expect a plumber or an electrician to work for nothing yet somehow artists, especially if you work digitally, are asked to work for nothing on the grounds that "it will only take a few minutes…all we want is a 5 /6 minute video."
Yes, after much prevarification I agreed to do one for a friend ( who shall remain anonymous) to go with her upcoming exhibition.

Because you cant see anything – its all done digitally inside a computer- there is little understanding amongst the non-computer literate of the complexity of the work.
The promise that the work would arrive already in a form to put straight into the computer i.e. still images on CD and video cassette ready to be edited proved still-born.
so, please spare a thought for us poor video artists before you ask us to "knock up" a quick video to go with your exhibition.