A new Scottish based video sharing site is on the internet. It looks like YouTube. (www.scotvid.com)Michelle Kasprzak, Programme Director of New Media Scotland, www.mediascot.org sent me an e-mail about it.( wish I could make these f….links work on my Apple!)


Collected tickets today from the Glasgow Film Theatre for Martin Creed 's talk. Tickets are going fast.


Martin Creed, Turner Prize winner of the "lights on lights off" fame/notoriety, will be speaking on Feb.23 at the Glasgow School of Art Friday event. This is likely to be hugely popular and they have issued a notice saying that while the event is free it is ticketed and these must be got in advance.


YouTube.Just read that YouTube are going to start paying folk for their videos…wonder how much?
James Provan a young videomaker and songwriter from Scotland has been paid £2,000 by Time-Warner for a clip of one of his videos. His web site is: www.gir2007 His pancake video is enormously popular.


Studio on the worldwide web
Local paper, Allanwater News, carries a story this week about my online work with videos.I liked the headline:
Reaching out to a whole new audience
It includes the following quote from me:" I work with new media, digital photography, digital video and computers because they are the tools of our age and offer the most appropriate medium to say something new about the world we live in."