Huskies galore!

Yet another guy in North America has signed up for my video on huskies.


This is another example of what Chris Anderson author of 'The Long Tail' ( and editor of Wired magazine) calls the niche market. www.thelongtail.com

This little video – very old footage shot over 10 years ago in analogue during a stopover in Alaska en route to Japan was put up on the net 5 months ago. Its had 670 "hits", which is modest but the interesting thing is that it continues every week to attract new viewers. Its the "long tail" effect and it applies to everything digital.

And that's what makes it so exciting for the future .

All things digital have a different mode of culture and commerce, no longer dominated by mass media,cultural gatekeepers, Box-office hits and top-seller lists.


Podcasting Workshop
Have been meaning to get into podcasting for some time so I am delighted to see that the Electron(http://www.electronclub.org)

club based in the CCA(http://www.cca-glasgow.com/) – Centre for Contemporary Arts- Glasgow are organising a free evening on Wednesday January 10th.


Missing Welsh history

Beginning to regret having jumped so eagerly into the project to write about the 40 missing years of Welsh history in Craig-y-nos Castle. It looks like being much more time-consuming that I envisaged. Both the BBCWales online site


and Carole Reeves from the Wellcome Trust for Medicine are proving to be extremely helpful. On the other hand I am going to use as many tools of new technology as possible to speed up the research.Hopefully the end result will be an online collaborative effort. Charles Leadbeater, (www.charlesleadbeater.net)

a leading writer on innovation and creativity, is already pioneering this approach to writing books. He has just published his latest book online and is asking for contributions before it goes finally into hard copy.


Death on camera www.guardian.co.uk

Today's leader in The Guardian "Death on camera" articulates the feelings I have not been able to find words for after seeing Saddam Hussein hanged on YouTube.

"It is curious, but till that moment I had never realised what it means to destroy a healthy, conscious man," wrote George Orwell after witnessing a hanging.

While Dr T Hargey, Chairman of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford pointed out the implications of the day they chose:

"While the barbaric tyranny of Iraq's former dictator must be condemned, the rushed judicial killing of Saddam Hussein on Eid al-Adha ( the holiest day in the Islamic calendar) is a grave and revolting provocation."