Whoops!…just discovered this web site does not support video clips, and cant figure out how to delete the code.

Oh well….this morning I uploaded a video I discovered in my digital studio ( i.e. spare bedroom) which I made 2 years ago as a result of a weeks shared artist residency in the Changing Room gallery, Stirling.

It was called "Work in Progress"

and I chose to do an interactive digital photographic project with members of the public and the end result was this video.

Except it has never been seen. So to-day I put it up on You Tube. Its on my web-site:



What do you do when someone is rude about your video on You Tube? until today all the comments I have received about my videos have been postive but this morning when I clicked on my email there was this nasty message from a guy in Uruguay!….do I reply, ignore it , send a sharp message back or simply press the delete button? cant decide.


I have just uploaded my latest video to You Tube titled "Ben A'an" which is also on my web-site

([email protected] ) based on a walk last Sunday afternoon up Ben A'an in The Trossachs.

Is it art? well, some of my videos are because they have been shown in galleries but more and more I find myself making work that covers an area that is neither personal nor public.

So far I have had nearly 14,000 "hits" -no way would I have got that number of people to see my work in any gallery.

It is as if the tools of new technology allow one to access an area never before been made visible to the public.

I am not alone. Over 300 videos are uplifted to You Tube every 20 minutes.

There is this worldwide unleashing of creativity. Where is it going? nobody knows. …..it's like "wild west" frontier country only this is into virtual space.