Forth Valley Open Studios – the future?
How do we progress Forth Valley Open Studios into a more formal structure?
How do we ensure that if we run out of steam, inevitable after the first wave of enthusiasm for a new project is over, that there is sufficient structure in place to ensure it continues in perpetuity?
I asked a lawyer (15 minutes for free) under the Cultural Enterprise Office in Glasgow, an excellent facility by the way.(
I explained our dilemma that we were self financing operation supported by a little money from advertising money but the bulk of it coming from artists paying £75 each to go in the brochure and this was further supported in kind by Delta Studios who provide a free exhibition space each year for us. And their manager acts as our Volunteer Coordinator for free.(
We want to ensure not only that the organisation continues in perpetuity but also that we can apply for sponsorship or grants so that the organisation can grow.
To do this we need to firm up our structure. We discussed a variety of options from charities to limited companies then the lawyer told me about a fairly new piece of legislation designed to help small organisations like ourselves, which are for community benefit.
This is known as CIC or Community Interest Companies.
A charity is another option and we could go down that route if we wish though he pointed out that there would be more hoops to jump through since they have tightened up the regulations on charitable status.
Asked if this might not deter people from giving since we were not a charity he says what determines whether people give or not to your organisation is whether they like what you are doing.
Oh yes, what clinched the decision is the discovery that Spring Fling, the Borders Open Studios, ( which is very well established already uses the CIC model.
So this is the proposal that will be going to our committee: that Forth Valley Open Studios becomes a registered Community Interest Company.
Fingers crossed….though someone once said getting artists to agree is like herding cats.