Forth Valley Open Studios – yes we are all set for another big event this June.
Our brochure is with Edinburgh designer Rosy Naylor and we expect it be able to have the rough proofs to go online early next week for members to check.
This year we have around 100 artists in 72 venues. We can’t put an exact number on the artists since some are in groups. But we are certainly up on numbers from last year.
As this is only our second event, and all without any public or local authority support, we feel quite chuffed with ourselves.
Yes it has meant a lot of hard work and it has been a steep learning curve, especially the marketing and promotion side which none of us fancied doing but it is absolutely essential – no point in having a fantastic studio display if nobody knows you are there.
This afternoon I had a brief encounter with a tough marketing/salesperson who spelt out our mistakes. He was blunt but honest. And absolutely right.