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"The long-tail effect"
Still having difficulty getting my head around the "long tail"effect of the net but yet another example reminded me this morning of its existence.
While I am deeply immersed in research for my book – and it now looks as if The Wellcome Trust may be able to fund its publication thanks to the historian Carole Reeves with whom I am working- my web videos have a life of their own.

Take sheep-shearing ( over 3,000 downloads so far) there is an on-going net discussion over the breed of sheep I have filmed. ( And no, I dont know the breed either, since you ask).
Is it art? I dunno but I do know its about communication and involving people through social networking sites such as this who would not normally get in touch with each other.
I prefer to think of it as another branch of social scculpture.

To view go to video blog:www.annshaw.co.uk or use the following link
