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sadly it has been rather too long since i was last here, my ideas have been moving along, then got stuck, then i got too busy. poor excuse i know.

after the last post i suddenly realised that all i was actually achieving was to organise people, and that whilst its a NICE idea it didn’t actually involve any artwork for me, and seeing as how my life at home and work seems to revolve around organising people i rapidly went off the idea.

we had another day on the ATS scheme on the 8th Sept, but i didn’t get as much out of it as the other days, and had misunderstood what we would have been doing and so whilst i had created work to show, we then didn’t, so i just hit a hiatus.

after a discussion with a friend i decided to go back through what i had come up with so far and i am still keen on the idea of noise within a gallery setting, and i am curious to see how people would react to a classical piece of artwork whilst listening to drum and bass, and whether that would effect their affection for a piece especially if the music was something they disliked.

but apart from that still going round in my head i couldn’t seem to push it any further.

i have had a particularly rubbish week at college, and had hoped that i would enjoy my teaching more this year than last, but it just seems to be repeating itself in general crapiness.

so i had nothing to add for our group crit today, all i knew was how stuck i was, and desperately wanted some kind of push as to which direction to go.