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Factory as Sales Tool

I have reading about architecture and in particular Gillian Darley’s book Factory. In chapter 6 she discusses Factory as Sales Tool ….”The Factory is its own most effective shop window, conveying an image of modernity or tradition as required” (1)

Although it’s clear Hethel is not a factory it does contain the type of research and development that once was housed within a company’s factory buildings. The need for a company to have its own factory has greatly diminished, as globalisation and digital file sharing make it easy to work with the the most appropriate manufacture where ever they are in the world.

Over a number of years I was very fortunate to work with artist Richard Layzell ( http://www.rescen.net/Richard_Layzell/r_layzell.html) as a mentor. Many of our conversations were focused around professional practice and my wanting to do an industry based residency. He has significant experience of working with industry and so helped me to develop this project. Last year Richard was in China undertaking a Visiting Arts project and I asked him to buy me up a packet of ordinary sewing needles. The packet was purchased from a market in Shanghai and its interesting to see the industrial landscape represented on the packaging.

1. Gillian Darley Factory London, Reaktion Books 2003 p. 157