These are my goals for the DIY residency:

  • Time – a protected uninterrupted block of time to keep my head down and make work
  • More space – Physically, bigger space – I hope to work at a different scale, or with materials I can’t use in the home perhaps?  At home I have a tiny desk, and have to clear away after use …
  • A place where I can leave the work out, and not have to tidy away all the time
  • A change of scenery – taking myself out of my usual setting – inspirational. Putting some distance between me and my usual daily routine to make space for more creative habits.

More  …

  • My art career so far has centred around experimental storytelling – usually social comment & political/ news
  • I make multi layered stories – experimental stories – location based – psychogeography – interactive – digital – random/ chance – generative – diaristic
  • I want to continue this, but less digital, more off line, back to basics
  • Would like to explore character development – short stories (comics?)
  • through drawings, zines, grids
  • Be inspired by the new location – things around me
  • Explore the territory – Chania – the coast, climate, locale, people, culture, history, politics
  • Wild crete – learn & explore
  • Mix this with my own thoughts, story writing, politics and news, comment
  • Aim to take my work to a new level
  • Read a lot, get lots of inspirations

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I’m off to visit the gallery space today, to work out where to put my work. Here’s some info on the show, and also a rough sketch of the sort of thing I’m planning …


I finished the grid drawings, packed up, and took a week holiday in Athens.

I feel I’ve had a very productive time in Crete, for the duration of the DIY residency. Looking back I really got into the zone, and focused intensely on my work, which is what I always need to do, otherwise I dont do good work. So this whole period, feeling quite lonely at the start, became a very productive period.

A key aspect was the deadline – I had to get the work done before I left the rental apartment. I had no choice but to get my head down. Deadlines really help!

Coming back home, I hope I can keep some of the same focus, but I somehow doubt it, as I live in a small house full of people! I know I need to find an affordable studio space, but in London this isnt easy.

In Athens we visited Greece’s national museum of contemporary art, EMST

Some of the exhibits there made me think about how to display the grid work in the gallery space …

The matrix of paintings have been pinned to the wall – using drawing pins. This works fine for this work, but obscures some of the images. As my works are quite detailed, and often have text, I cant use drawing pins as they will obscure.

The other example I found interesting is pottery nailed to the wall, but the nails just touch the sides of the work, to hold it in place. I think this is probably the way to go.

I thought a lot about the format for the display, and if I should use frames. In the end I decided against, and to mount each drawing on cardboard. I thought this would fit better with the theme of the show, Clutter, which is a scruffy theme, and I expect quite a few of the works will involve a mess. So framed works … I dont think they fit with this.



I managed to finish the grid drawings, though didnt quite do as many as I intended. This is how they look together, laid out on a sheet, just to give an idea. I haven’t quite decided the display format yet, but will post some ideas on this.


Am considering these type of frameless clip frames:

18cm x 24cm

And then fix each frame into place using L pins.

If I present 12 grid drawings – 4 x 3 – then using these frames, placed alongside each other, will take a minimum wall space of:

width: 4 x 18cm =72 cm
height: 3 x 24cm =72 cm




This is what I have so far … another 2 grids to make. I have 3 days left, should be easily doable … famous last words!

But … I am undecided again about how to display the work. As the paper is warped on some off the drawings, I need a way to make them flat. I’m not sure if pinning to a wall, or using magnets is going to work. Then again I’m not sure about framing either … but pressing them down with glass will help them lie flat.