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Have spent a lot of time wandering around town, and trying to get myself established for living here. Mainly have been trying to arrange exercise classes, as I know it’s a good way for me to meet people. Total isolation doesn’t work for me!

But during all this, I’ve been making notes and collecting ideas and thoughts, listening to podcasts, making sketches.

I went for a long run yesterday, up into the mountains, covered in snow. So beautiful! On the run I turned a bend in the hills, and came across a factory, way up high in the mountains, with lots of big chimneys, pumping out acrid and probably toxic smoke. How they could be allowed to do that is beyond me …

Later that day I read about the financial jitters in the UK over the size off the debt and rising interest rates. I thought of Rachel Reeves, the shocked woman, chancellor of the exchequer until the banks insist that she goes, then insist the government taxes the poor even more to solve the problem.