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I’ve been thinking about format for the Clutter Show, and have been toying with the idea of making a zine. But I like the idea of work displayed on the wall, though not sure exactly how.

I’ve always been interested in experimental storytelling, especially non linear formats.

Am considering parallel stories, told as panels, visually like comic panels.

Possibly each telling the same story, but from different angles, perspectives.

I could have multiple rows of these, maybe 4 rows. Displayed above each other?

Maybe 20 panels in each row? This would be a story told in 20 panels.

Then I can think about what stories in each row.

Then … how can they be connected?

I like the idea of using secret codes to unlock.

If each panel was numbered, then a code could be used to follow the panels between each row, and this could unlock a completely different story.

The code could come from a passage of text, maybe taking the length of each word as the panel number. Then each word corresponds to a different panel number. This code is the system that strips out the clutter and reveals another story.

I need to make a diagram …

A possible title: “Out of chaos comes clarity and then enlightenment”