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I looked into the practice of “Journaling”, which I think is relevant to my making grid drawings …

There are many journaling methods and planning methods that tell you to “empty your mind onto a page,” or “perform a mind dump”. This is usually a first step on the way to some other goal: planning your week, dealing with anxiety or finding a direction in life, etc. From GTD to Morning Pages everyone expects you to press a hidden button and just directly dump everything on your mind onto your journal.

The idea is that by emptying your mind onto a page you will be able to free more “processing power” to more high level thinking and planning. Your mind will be free of noise, will be relieved of the need to track and remember things, and will be able to do what you really need it to do: make decisions, plan ahead, come up with new ideas, allow you to be creative.

My grids are a superficial and quick way of expressing my thoughts at a particular moment. Perhaps they are therapeutic …

Removing unwanted thoughts from my head
Reducing my anxiety
Making space in my head