Still working despite hospital visits and other events. The prospect of a longer hospital stay and recuperation time is making me work harder and bringing some thoughts into focus.

Drawing – why do I draw – what is about drawing that makes me do it. I think there is a sense of pushing myself to my physical limits and into and beyond the pain barrier. Drawing is also, for me, a way of going into a private space but also of bringing intimacy into a public space.


The blog’s been quiet because I’ve been working! Which isn’t to say this blog isn’t also ‘work’.


Had a really good day yesterday. My critical studies seminar tutor invited the group for a studio visit to talk about the work we are planning for the interim show.

Net result is I have to do even bigger work and do a drawing in the space itself. It was so useful to talk about the difference between making the work in the studio and thinking about making work for presentation and exhibition, especially in a space like the Bargehouse which can be overwhelming.


Pitching session went well. Feel quite good about it.


Feet back on the ground again.

Went up to Sheffield docfest with DAD co-director to see what we could learn about documentary film making. Sheffield seemed to be a very exciting and confident city and everyone was genuinely friendly. As well as all the campaigning issue-based stuff that is the heartland of documentary films, it came as a welcome relief to see some clips from artists’ films that could be considered as documentaries: Andrew Kotting’s Gallivant, Black Sun by Gary Tarn (absolutely fantastic) and Sleeping furiously by Gideon Koppel.

Since getting back it’s been all go as usual. Went to the Guardian private view of the Turner Prize. I wonder who will win. No video this year.

For the MA we all have to conceive of a show for Matts Gallery. We had a mini practice pitch yesterday and I found it useful. Do it for real next week in front of Robin Klassnik, which is very scary indeed. It’s not going to be as gentle as the Sheffiled pitching session I went to. Not giving anything away now.

And finally, went into the studio today and started some new work. Hurrah!