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Marquetry is a very precise activity. Getting a slice of veneer to fit perfectly within another is harder than it sounds.

There are a variety of techniques for doing this, most commonly a scalpel is used to cut a window in the first sheet, the second veneer to be inlaid is then placed behind this first window. After fixing the two in place the scalpel can then be run along the edge of the window tracing the shape onto the veneer below. After careful cutting the shape can be fitted into the gap and secured with adhesive.

Having developed an Art practice that alot of the time could be deemed to lack precision and even skill, attempting something requiring so much patience might be hard. Despite this not all aspects of Marquetry require you to squint over a cutting board for hours on end; at least I don't think they do. Creating some more immediate work will be good to try alongside more ambitious ideas.

I think perhaps this is one of the differences between the craftsman and the Artist in this particular project anyway. Developing the skills and techniques and being able to use these seamlessly I imagine far outweighs the need to use Marquetry conceptually for most hobbyist Marquetarians. Not to say the subject means nothing in this sense, or is irrelevant because I don't believe that is the case. Having a project and completing it to the best standard is something I would hope for too. Having the discipline to perfect the techique above all other concerns however is something I don't necessarily feel I am aiming for.