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I picked up our print proof today after prepping our press release over the last few days. Our launch is a month away and suddenly feels very soon. I guess because we instigated this project almost a full year ago and it’s built up momentum over the weeks and months.


The publication looks awesome (publication, not newspaper or booklet!). This minor point seemed such a stumbling block over everything else we’ve made decisions on: what to call this thing we’ve produced.


Of course it’s more than our publication as it’s also a 3 day launch event with film screenings and performances and installations too.


After spending such a long time working towards this realisation it seems very sudden: like when your having a steady train journey and then your train station is announced and you suddenly realise you have to disembark in minutes and have to gather your sh*t together quickly.


Making that analogy of our project development journey to a train ride: I would say that our meetings have punctuated the process like station stops.


Calling at:

Platform 1

Penistone Line Partnership


Open call

Penistone Art Week

Dwell Time film

Creative Minds

Creative Recovery Barnsley workshops


Curatorspace Leeds Talk



Arriving at your final destination. Change here for future collaborations and open ended possibilities.