Each post, in fifty words or less, will document thoughts, processes and progresses on the following projects: Walking and Drawing; Performing Drawing and Waiting and Drawing. Why fifty words? I tend to waffle, so it will be good practice in being concise.






This book forms part of my long-term project ‘Waiting and Drawing’. This began life when I would spend many frustrating minutes waiting for the computer to load. Now that I have fancy Windows 7, I no longer have this problem, however waiting also takes place while waiting for buses…….


Another couple of months have gone by since my last post. I’d rather be doing it than writing about it; writing about it takes up too much time. However writing about it does help and provides a great record as I can look back at my development. 50 words are up.


Not been on here for a long while. Been heavily creating. This January I worked solid on a work for the theatre. This was called ‘Magdalene’.

The process was quite an epic adventure; writing, producing, desigining and making stage sets, designing and making costumes, making a short film.


Didn’t apply to the Open Call – never enough time; another one has come up though – so must apply to that!

Presented at the Pecha Kucha night at NN Contemporary Art last week – went well (I think), showed Performing Drawing and Walking Drawing Project. Stuck successfully to 20 seconds per slide.