The project started to appear as an actual existing entity. Multiple assests of the show appear and change constantly. A small evolution of many worlds.
I hope this will be close to what I imagined.
Living Room:
Main features are in place and started to get a homely feeling. Videos beeing converted ( thanx to Andy Preston) and I can almost see the people becoming a part of all this to make it a reality.
Commercial Display I:
Most layers are in place and an overall feeling of Christmas grotto mixed with yearly expo forming into a whole.
Some elements to be placed and changis are still coming.
The sale area is the one that needs a lot of work. I must bring all elements to one place to see where I’m going and how it will appear as a whole.
Most stands are in place and some wall-pieces are installed ,but there are plenty of work to be done.
It is nothing like its will be..
it must become the place I intended it to be.