A very successful opening evening indeed.
The day didn’t go without glitches, technical difficulties aged me a couple of years yesterday, but it was all worth it as the work functioned according to plans.
Finally I achieved my goal: people freely engaging with the work without any instruction. I did present a situation where the obvious nature of its everyday function allowed all to have a constant action at the ready. And those instant communities did form, micro happenings and conversations emerged out of the action of shopping and watching TV, reading through a book.
At the last minute( early morning yesterday) I even edited the music track for the opening with samples from the bbc sound library (thanks bbc), containing PA announcements and shopping background …
All in all I am satisfied.
The video part of the project did not turn out as I envisaged due to the illness of my technical genious
but managed to loop the videos and the audience got to view them, though they did not have the choice which I would liked to give them: to decide on the selected video themselve via remote.
Hopefully it will be up and running before the end of the month.
Thanks for allwhoe came last night and hopeto see more of you during the next two weeks.