For my final degree project, I have embarked on a very lengthy and involved process of creating an engaging and interesting resource about the most endangered plants in the world.

As a climate activist, I talk about the human cost of the climate crisis, and the obvious flora cost – such as rainforest deforestation and logging, but I have become very aware that the endangerment of plants and their extinction – something that is so perilous for our continued life on this planet – isn’t something that is spoken about very much in the public domain. Animals often get much more attention, but we rely on plants for everything: food, shelter, materials, other ecosystems that support our own, and we have forgotten, I believe, how wonderful and crucial to all life on this planet, they are. Therefore, I want to use my final year degree project to raise public awareness to the plight of our plants, which are most endangered, why, what their uses are, their biology – everything really – to open people’s eyes and minds to the magical world and importance of plants. I am planning that my project will take the form of traditional botanical illustration, combined with video, audio and other media (although this may change over time), to create an interactive and accessible resource, that is interesting and appealing to modern audiences.