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after my clearing post yesterday we headed out into the bright warm day and south to alnwick.  now famous for the home of hogwarts, our destination was another famous place – barter books.



having written up how i was in the morning, by midday i was starting to feel centred again.  in barter books with the dog in tow and the family lost to the countless bookshelves, i was happy to wander and lose myself.

little did i expect a book to jump off a shelf at me.  i say jump off the shelf – actually i stopped at a bookshelf and the title lit up my curiosity.
en attendant godot.
we’d been to see the stewart / mckellan production of godot as becket’s writing is something that i’ve previously been drawn to.

in that moment in the book shop, after my morning of feeling a bit lost and lonely, i took the standing looking at an old friend as one of those things that was meant to be.


i made it so.




i’ve watched my partner re establish connection with books as part of her ma process.  being around her as she goes through researching, writing  and making discoveries has reminded me of my loose plan as a teenager – i’ve written about this sometime in the past.


being around an ma process has got me asking about my own connection with the written word and how might this help me in progressing my own thinking and work.  this at least being my perception.

this book i now have presents a challenge to me – how might i read it and glean from what i read ?  this is not something that comes easily to me.



for our penultimate night dinner we gave into our – i gave into my – need for chips.  oh my disappointment with the chip shop in belford, it uses beef dripping to fry the food.  i was too far down the rabbit hole when i noticed the words on the front door telling of the dripping.  i was to spend the rest of the evening with that fatty thing that happens around ones tongue after chips – do you know that feeling ?


back at the cottage the owners invited us to their thursday night fire.

as much as i enjoyed being around the fire it did get intense once the sun had disappeared behind the oak tree.


my challenge post holiday is to take up reading the book i bought yesterday – i reserve the right to do this in a non linear manner and give myself the space and time to continue exploring how might i use the 360 camera in my own work, as well as the current commission.


i’ll leave you with a image from the small hours of the morning.



happy good friday to you.