I have been incredibly lax with keeping up with this blog. Which is good in a way since I have found myself to buzy to update it.

I went to the one on one festival @ the bac which was a good evening and interesting festival which I hope has a long future ahead of it.

So I booked and got the ticket programed for me. Scary I know especially if yu know I hate one one ones far to intermate and pressured for me but escalator is a time to challenge the myself. Well the programing gods were with me I got breathe a group I have seen many times before and enjoy very much. http://www.breatheartists.co.uk/#/throughthewardrobe/4542195885

you can see a pic of me here. The piece was lovely you were greeted with two wadrobes you go in one crawl through a world of clothes do want to say much more to reveal it but lovley always. A nice moment to share. Much like my next piece folk in a box which was an artwork thats does exactly what it says on the tin. I went in a modified shed and was greeted with a man and a guitar he plays a beatiful melody and I leave what a gift.

Then was my first perfomacne of the evening headlines in a nutshell I didnt like because it was someing challenging and because of my tension to 1on1’s didnt really like it. This was my problem with the festival if you could tick a box when booking to get an over view of what experance you may receive I love gift works and gift works 1on1s can be amazing but I dont to be pushed or challanged yet I know others will. So heres my chatergeries




This still leaves you open but gives you a chance to know what kind of night you going to have I was lucky but another pot luck got headlines and being electrocuted and when I met them was hoping for something nice I hope they got that but you never know.

In summary a festival to watch go again but wold pick my shows definatly.



Well haven’t spoke in a while been buzy but on short London trip to see shows and bac’s one on one festival.

I love francis’s work his approach is always so clever. If in my mind he is a bet hit and miss to artworks I absolute go potty for and ones I just like out of these in the show it splits pretty much evenly

Love in very way:

Tornado – obsured but very trying betifully framed

Gun renacment – Liked the difernce between the two films one being real with timer the second “the renacment” being framed shot by shot thinking about compersion and alkit much like a commercial film.

Rehersal- love the fact it was a series of works very nicley curratedd one after the other to the final film. I first the car was just failing to get up there but from reading thebook he only has his foot on the accelrator when the tape of band play letting got to rold back pathetically and comedically.


Ice one rolls ice around town dull

Walking sheep: does nt seem rea l didnt care either way either.

Moving dune seemed to grand a wimsical

(note know of these are not the real titles)

So for me why do some of these work and others fail. Its all in the context of delvery the ones I love have an elimte of the farse about something thought done then done a slight lighting bolt of idea then to the doing and framing of this idea.

The others seem to planned with a view without really watching know the beginning middle and end.

Overall liked the show however the narching piece is actually at the tate britian and is my favourite of his works. Also do not expect to see every piece every made by alys its not a retrospective but a collection of works cureated to a look at his work from a certain view point. One work where he walks for as long as there are railing in subran london is sadly not here.


Boring not really needed as a show whistled through and fear sadly will be the more popular show than alys oh well there lose.

So no films for a while will amend this once im back after all we all know im a better talk than a writer. Of to bac now scared and nervous but its good to challange isn’t it?????????? i will find out


I have figured out in part why i am struggling. As an artist now im thinking how to market the idea where does it fit what is the life how is the auidence which stuff i have always thought of but in a way that link and complimants/inpowers the work. Now however i can feel a shift in brain on what will get money no consiously but working coming out as thats something i can pitch.

Theres a market for that i can sell that.

This always something in my work but i would normally pitch the work to sell to target auidence for the idea i want to get across but now in this its idea get money market auidnce no idea auidnce market.

I need o be aware of this work first not money.

Anyway heres my bronson workout for today enjoy and subscribe.


Work has been hardsince pulse no active goal in sight has dwindled my artistic flame. Adding to this pulling my back doing bronson workout hasnt helped.

My tasks to think about this week are where do i want my work to be seen?

Where/how will i push youwill be rare forward?

Its becoming really hard for me i think because i have not ever worked on something so long before normally its idea out there done next. Now i find myself thinking about marketing my positon in the world and so on which stiffling me.

My resolution a good book order aload of books from this is unbound this will help.

Future for you will be rare i belive is showing it in shops thats what worked the best from pulse it actual for all that could see it being a shop.

Anyway beloware some videos from pulse my new ram man video update as well will be posting a new for each ram man bought.

For now struggling but speak soon


to keep up with the films

Ram man #79 part of you will be rare collection

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