I have figured out in part why i am struggling. As an artist now im thinking how to market the idea where does it fit what is the life how is the auidence which stuff i have always thought of but in a way that link and complimants/inpowers the work. Now however i can feel a shift in brain on what will get money no consiously but working coming out as thats something i can pitch.
Theres a market for that i can sell that.
This always something in my work but i would normally pitch the work to sell to target auidence for the idea i want to get across but now in this its idea get money market auidnce no idea auidnce market.
I need o be aware of this work first not money.
Anyway heres my bronson workout for today enjoy and subscribe.
Work has been hardsince pulse no active goal in sight has dwindled my artistic flame. Adding to this pulling my back doing bronson workout hasnt helped.
My tasks to think about this week are where do i want my work to be seen?
Where/how will i push youwill be rare forward?
Its becoming really hard for me i think because i have not ever worked on something so long before normally its idea out there done next. Now i find myself thinking about marketing my positon in the world and so on which stiffling me.
My resolution a good book order aload of books from this is unbound this will help.
Future for you will be rare i belive is showing it in shops thats what worked the best from pulse it actual for all that could see it being a shop.
Anyway beloware some videos from pulse my new ram man video update as well will be posting a new for each ram man bought.
For now struggling but speak soon
to keep up with the films
Ram man #79 part of you will be rare collection
A little late but this was on my pulse show day will update other days later today as well as catch up on films.
Thoughs on pulse fringe festival 2010:
I find myself unusually shy averting gaze from people being polite but selling like my own shop. Its funny how anything a little bit of the normal deserves little to know interaction.
However i am finding because the object in question is on mass (which let face it is odd) and nostalgic for some people i am getting more interaction than it would a painting or picture. There is a trigure for someone people where there mind goes i must know more. This by no means a huge group of people and is perhaps drastically decreased since the figure is not instantly recognisable to people to be from HE MAN and even if they do they want remember his name.
This is not a mistake and was a well thought out decision for us, although finally settling on ram man was a bit of chance since it was just that we saw 4 at one bootsale. It was because we couldn’t afford to make a dent in the price of key figures in HE MAN, HE MAN, Skelator, Man at arms, Evil lynn, all aready cost to much, we would not be able to buy the volume to affect the price and even if we did it would be hard to measure. Were as Mr Ram Man was a cheap “B” figure that anyone collecting Masters of the universe would not go out of there way to get.
On top of this there was the visual element, we i feel needed to be able to get alot of figures in order to look visually interesting.
So here in this show the third showing we have to classify into caitogries according to ware with ones who springs do not work to with axe arm bands and no pint scratches essentially mint.
Tally so far:
3 Mint
10 Near mint
21 Good-Great
25 Poor
17 Fair
Total 76
I found on youtube alot off people filming their collections on the internet. Especially Masters of the universe (MOTU yes it was not actually called HE-man). This gave me an idea i was going to make a film of my collection as a document of this show talking through how I display them. These videos have had quiete alot of views and may result in people discovering what i am doing which might encourage collectors and sellers to put more value in RAM MAN. Now i feel comfortable enough heavily to show it off and be proud of my collection. Anyway if this cause a price rise now i would be in for a major winfall. After all we picked because it is a small cult market. So the film today is that as well hope you enjoy.
Final thought
Sucseeded to much people are seeing it as a shop or seeing it as a museuem “why would anyone open a museueem to that figure” ( I did find myself like a defensive mother almost shouting I WOULD!!!)
Film of YOU WILL BE RARE @Pulse fringe
Just a qucik before i go have full day of art.
Going to my old unis degree show kingston and then of livert art platform fresh at queen marys. Let you know what i think later.
Do solitary already so dont worry here it is.
Jamie Moakes Solitray fitenss day 8 (HE SAID Taelnt agency)
Im thinking today about finishing touches to for pusle show next week. Whats needed and whats not needed.
This is the first time i have actually scheduled a talk for this show You will be rare. I am struggling with how to structure it . I still think the best advise i have been given is that my work is at its best when its casual a chat and converstation me just informing someone what i am doing. Not a block box show. So what i think im going to do is just go over some of my importnat happenings while buying ram man for you will be rare but change it up depending on what the person im talking seems interested in.
After all this a change to try it this way if it doesnt work i can try another way along my develpoment with escalator. I will post a film of the show after so any comments would be appreciated.
Still belive it needs a film something to keep people interested if they are shy and do not want to talk to me. Working on that today. waiting for my partner slash camera woman comes home to help. As alaways i find away for here to get involved.
Anyway so thats it today. Im adding solitary day 7 cant belive we kept this up a whole week arms are hurting and twingy which is actualy making hard to type. Contumplating a bronson tach to go along with it. WHAT DO RECKON???
While being funded by Escalator performing arts 2010 surported by arts council england. I Jamie Moakes will be developing my body using Charles Bronsons solitary fitness as a guide, to give a visual d