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Event 10

Blast Theory weekender

Artsadmin, Toynbee Studios, London


This was a brilliant way to finish my R&D project because it gave me a chance to put into practice some of the themes I have been working on over the last few months, specifically instruction and text-based work. We did a series of writing exercises, and some pair work in the local streets, devising performance games and methods of negotiating/constructing space (including imaginary space). I will be using some of the techniques in the future whenever I need to get a project started: they were simple tools which could be applied to any project. One piece was to devise a series of points along a journey from point a to point b, where a and b could be ‘a familiar place’ and ‘an unfamiliar place’ or ‘a stranger’ and ‘a lover’, or anything else which opposes. It was a great way to come up with a set of instruction pieces, although half-way through writing mine I realised it was starting to read like a self-help book.

One of the best things about the weekend was the networking and discussion. We’ve all exchanged emails, so we now all have a pool of resources at our fingertips.

Back in Norwich, I have now written and posted my GFTA activity report form (a little later than promised, but I blame that on the later dates of NRLA this year). It’s been a useful project, paying for travelling, tickets and mentoring, and forcing me to write about the things I’ve been to. I’ve not really kept this blog up to date, as you can probably tell, but it is over 5000 words long (which is longer than my BA dissertation was) and has been lovingly re-constructed from scribbled notebook entries.

So finally: on Friday 4th June I will be performing 12 versions of ‘One-Minute Birdwatching’ in Ipswich, as part of PULSE. Visit twitter.com/pulsefringe for locations nearer the time if you’d like to join in. Hope to see you there.