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having mowed a lawn, i seek rest on a sofa and to begin to collate the happenings in my mind, as a means to try to understand and reconsile efforts of recent months that have yielded little.

this blog is going to be experimental. experimental in terms of language and perspective.

as always i am experiencing the difference in writing this post in my mind over the past few days and writing it actually with a computer. there was some doubt about whether to commit to it and wait. i had to be honest with myself about if i didn’t start it on a neat date, i would continue to write only in my mind.

my mind is racing with interests i need to include and typing that fast is something i am yet to master. what i see arrive on the page is the present tense compromise of what i think i want to say and what actually is being said.

i am backing myself within “the result”, a result that is yet to be initiated.

there is something i need to add now, there has in my past been anger at the world and recent realisation of my rejection sensitivity dsyphoria (rsd), the connection with adhd and by association autisim, is on top of the formally known about dyslexia. dsylexia with the emotional and mental implications for myself. as this narrative from me unfolds, i aim to be mindful of the anger and to view this through the multiple neurodivergent lenses.

to facilitate these lenses i intend to adopt a people centred language and to experience how this transpires.

the lonliness and isolation i feel isn’t a bad thing, i want to embrace it, understand it and move with it. from this position i can only improve the feeling of connectedness, something that is an important thing for me to feel. this is while accepting that there are condtions of self that mean i do shy away from situations.