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lately i have been feeling that i’ m at a stand still.

from a stand still i can:

  • look around me
  • listen to what other people say about past work
  • feel good at being stationary
  • see what resources are near by
  • move towards nearby resources
  • feel good
  • be present
  • let anxiety wain
  • dabble at making mental space to consider something
  • be ok with an unknown direction
  • feel content
  • reduce the noise within my thinking
  • feel excited about doing something
  • reflect upon what books i have available
  • reflect upon what is meaningful to me
  • accept being stationary
  • create a list in no particular order
  • feel ok about not editing the list
  • decide there will be a time when not stationary (even though at the time of writing this feels overwhelmingly unachievable)
  • ignore the overwhelming feelings of failure
  • look forward to enjoying doing something for myself
  • not to dismiss everything that comes to mind because its no good.
  • stand and feel alone and for now be ok
  • consider what resources i have to draw upon, to create, to form, to rearrange.
  • not get hung up on the context immediately – what is it?
  • take to a blogging platform and make a list of all the wonderful positive awareness that being at a stand still affords.
  • be aware of feelings of inadequacy and failure.
  • relax about not feeling connected with people in the manner that i really want it to be.
  • acknowledge the spinning of plates for other people – metaphorically.
  • know when to stop trying to describe / connect with the positives of being at a stand still.