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notes about hope after sending a message to the author of a research degree  thesis downloaded from acadeimia.edu

  • write the notes while the feeling of hope is still present
  • maintain a level headed ness about the message – its a message
  • dare to dream
  • dream to dare
  • aesthetic of isolation
  • starting points
  • talking positively to self
  • believe in self
  • acknowledge the two unsuccessful attempts and the potential for a third
  • acknowledge the excitement of clearing distraction and being fully immersed in the research
  • acknowledge the feeling of being a part of a conversation where the curator talks about ones work and practice from their own perspective and how different what one does feels – more worthy, more relevant, more interesting – more neuro typical – more connected
  • dare to be honest
  • dare to show my self
  • dare to discover more about my self
  • dare to acknowledge my self
  • dare to face the words so often shied away from, shied away from them coming into existence
  • acknowledge the feeling of isolation being a paradoxical strength
  • acknowledge the barriers to hope
  • dare to make notes and publish them on a public facing blogging platform