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today i been feeling the multi layers of the word isolation, from the obvious to an abstraction of that.

it strikes me that there is potential for me to explore image making – something i rejected as an undergraduate because i saw around me how my peers created images and things and once assessed the problem of storage. out in the professional world i guess the ideal is the images one makes are sold or at least not in the possession of the practice so the storage of them isn’t a problem.

why am i harbouring the thoughts of image making? today i played. i played with some video footage, edited it exported etc etc it ended up as a webpage. i played some more and the contents of the page evolved and i saw something that i could go onto make as a 2d image with dimensions and everything. what i saw in where the play took me was the realisation of the layered nature of isolation. choosing images and content carefully i do wonder as to what images are possible.

at the point where i feel a starting point emerging i am also getting myself mentally prepared for the part time role i have that restarts on wednesday after the summer academic break. the role is in fe. i find it exhausting and as yet i haven’t been able to identify another part time role more aligned with the cultural sector that will provide the same remuneration. there are roles available, the point is i am unsuitable for them. at least that’s been my  experience so far at interview.

the way we talk about subjects interests me.

i was going to look again at the interview comment but i came back to the other candidate was more suitable.

as i become aware of my wandering thoughts, i acknowledge i need to stop and continue to consider isolation and the layers within it.

made today: