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One of the integral projects of this year is one which deals with issues of self, specifically warped body image. I became interested earlier this year with obsessive behaviour to do with slimming and the extremes some people go to in order to adhere to their warped perception of beauty.  This led to an interest in particular parts of the body that people focus on when following extreme weight loss regimes.  I noticed an obsession with for example, prominent collar bones, ribs, a gap between the thighs and so on.  I wanted to explore the ways in which these areas and others are studied so minutely and work towards ways of altering the obsessive focus, change the way the body is regarded and make the viewer think about it in a different way, warped from a different angle.

Untitled, 2014, Hannah Maynard, acrylic on canvas, 120x120cm

The image above, although not fantastic quality shows the first in the series.  The canvas is 120cm sq and was painted in a rush over five days in order to be shown in an exhibition in Marylebone, London earlier this year.

There’s been a decent gap between finishing this painting and moving on to the next which has allowed me to take time to consider the reasons for the project.  Over the past few months my attention has become more focused on artworks with feminist themes, particularly the work of Sarah Lucas.  As my studies have led me further into the world of feminism and its key concerns I have become more engrossed in it and even more excited by Lucas’s work and the prospect of tackling similar issues in my own.  Now that the dissertation is upon us and I have chosen to apply these studies to it, I have found that all elements of my work are centred on a feminist focus.  (Nobody is more surprised than myself!)

Untitled, 2014, Hannah Maynard, acrylic on canvas, 120x120cm

As this project and others are progressing I am finding interesting ways of integrating them and therefore, showing how the theme runs inherently through my current work.  Another work currently in the process of being developed features these paintings shown in an exhibition, acting as important factors in the meaning of that next project.

I’m thoroughly enjoying painting again and looking forward to observing the progress of this series.