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Where to begin? Tuesday was a bit of a washout, rogationally speaking. We set out in the rain, calling in at the church for a reccy to work out where to position ale, food, laptop etc. for the launch. We made our way to the first boundary crossing – still in the rain – but the vibes just weren't right. I had all the equipment with me, but the rituals I had planned – including printing words on strips of cloth using individual letter rubberstamps – just seemed a penance in the cold and wet! In the end we went home and dried off.

The evening launch went ok though – buns, gingerbread, apple juice and ale seemed to go down well – and while I'd been baking buns and gingerbread Trevor had kindly put together a powerpoint presentation listing the festivals interspersed with images (some of which have been seen on this very blog)! Thank goodness for the laptop. I said a bit about the project to the assembled artists, churchwardens and two potters and took some questions. Yeah, it was ok. And the sun actually came out for the first time that day and cast some nice light into the church.