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This morning, I felt a flash of happiness as I sat at the kitchen table making ‘free gifts’ for the front covers of 180 copies of the new Kalender by dipping paper in elderberry juice and rolling it into beads. Whilst I was absorbed in this meditative process, I could hear what can only be described as ‘unusual’ sounds floating down the stairs as Trevor worked on his soundtrack to the forthcoming video. It all felt so right.

Wait a minute, ‘forthcoming video’? Let’s get this straight. Installation for Norwich Fringe Festival starts on Monday, six days away. The event opens on Friday. I am expecting to show my video in the undercroft of Dragon Hall, a fabulous medieval merchant’s house in Norwich. To accompany it in a ‘less-is-more’ kind of a way, I am printing out the first five editions of Kalender enlarged to A4 and having them bound into a hardbacked book. The new Kalender will be stacked alongside as an exclusive Fringe giveaway.

So, what stage am I at?

– Soundtrack at a delicate stage, with Trevor alternately despondent and ‘a bit happier’.
– Video editing not started yet.
– Kalender
omnibus not printed or bound.
– No lectern or plinth organised for display of book.
– No DVD player or TV monitor organised for showing of video.
– New Kalender not yet with the printers, let alone rubber-stamped or with the free gift stapled to the front.
– A pitifully small proportion of the required number of free gifts completed, though the production line is rolling.

Right. So what happened to that flash of happiness?!