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I did the Radio Norfolk interview. And this time I managed to remember to mention the Arts Council, the Festial website and Trevor's role in the project!

It started inauspiciously when the presenter clearly had no idea whatsoever what the project was about, despite having some sort of info in front of him (couldn't read it from where I was sitting). 'So we've missed the medieval festival? Is there anything to talk about, then?' He phoned his wife to make sure she remembered to pick up his prescription (he had a shocking cold). Then I handed him the two most recent issues of Kalender and he handed them back, saying they would only confuse him further.

I returned them to him firmly, saying, no, I really think they will help. 'Do you really think so?' he asked doubtfully. ' Suddenly he became intrigued by the free gift on the Christmas issue – a (very) miniature Yule Log, to be burned and the ashes scattered to ensure fertility during the coming year. 'Ooh, I'll try this!' he chortled.

The record ended – something bland and innocuous, such as is played on local radio stations up and down the country, I suspect. The presenter hadn't been listening to it, having been talking to his wife on the phone and getting up to speed on the Festial project. 'Ah, wasn't that lovely?' he enthused to his listeners.

After all that, the interview went fine, I think. To the presenter's credit, he did get more-or-less to grips with the basics of Festial in the minute or so I was gabbling away to him, and it all seemed to flow reasonably well. I was given a copy on CD but I doubt I'll ever feel brave enough to listen to it! Must try to work out whether hits on the website have increased since Friday.
