I am now in full swing of planning FFF (pronounced ‘fur’), and finding that each day there is SO MUCH to learn to get it off the ground. Aside from the actually techniques that I will need to learn in order to help participants (I have some expert training planned, very kindly offered by a supporter) I am hoping at this point to embark on a CROWDFUNDING campaign.

This is a project in itself! I have been perusing the possible crowdfunding platforms and it seems that there are several key features to a successful campaign.

1. Prepare the ground. – this is building up a following (and if you are reading this I am counting YOU!) so that when the campaign is officially ‘launched’ it will speed ahead. I suppose it is a version of digging and mulching (though I am not much of a gardener so don’t quote me on that) to feed the ground.

2. Have a short, intensive campaign. 30 days seems to be the advised duration for success.

3. Make a film to explain what you want to do and why you need the money – THIS IS THE SCARY BIT! Despite a former career in TV I am not quite sure where to start with this bit.

4. Work 36 hours a day to drum up supporters. Crowdfunding is not an easy option – it does not do itself!

5. Have a good and interesting range of REWARDS to offer your supporters, ranging from donations of £5 to £250

So with all that in mind – I’m off to make a big plan – don’t think this one will fit on the back of fag packet…..