Viewing single post of blog FFF a 21st Century fetish

26 days to go.

£140 pledged

£2860 worth of pledges to find…..

4% of money raised

A massive thank you to everyone who has pledged money to help make FFF so far!

Let NO ONE tell you that crowdfunding is an easy ride!

I think some people have the idea that you just load your project onto your chosen magical site (FFF is on Kickstarter at: http://kck.st/1a4XpKb, other platforms are available) and then the pledges just roll in. Er no.

This is FULL ON.

I have

a) e mailed everyone I know

b) e mailed every one I have ever spoken to about the project

c) tweeted my little heart out on @FFF_21C

d) signed up to do a Pecha Kucha night (though terrified of public speaking)

e) messaged everyone on Linked In

f) tweeted a bit more on @sophiecullinan

g) you are reading this one…

h) signed up to appropriate forums for people who my be interested (how do I find people I don’t actually know who would LOVE this project?!)

i) started facebook page (anyone with top tips for this one as it REALLY confuses me on there)

I’m going to stop there because I think you get the point.

Anyway suffice to say that I have had LOTS of interesting conversations with people and am even more excited about this project than before!

There is just the little matter of finding enough people to make up the rest of the pledges.

(a minimum of 572 people of a fiver each……)