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During the summer holidays, I spent time sorting out the damaged frames from the good ones in my ciné film collection. It is slow-going. I’m trying to collate them in order. I will add to it as I find time alone with my laptop, but I’ve made a start. I am interested in the way damage has accumulated through sequences of frames, so for now, I am looking at them as a collection of tiles:

Here are a couple of these frames from this new sequence. They are the most damaged ones, and seem to me likely to be good subjects for expressive re-making.

Back in my studio I made a start on a couple of pieces of tracing paper with Frame 18d. This frame has patches of zero pigment, so I’ve unearthed a pot of masking fluid and apply specks of it where these bare patches are before I begin with my acrylic inks. I want to use inks because they are so richly pigmented, I hope they will be a good way to catch the depth of darkness in this frame, to contrast with the specks of light.

The masking fluid looks worryingly loose, and will be difficult to peel off. I invest in a new pot and make a start on two versions of Frame 15d using the same media but new masking fluid:

The inks are really wet, and will keep the masking fluid from drying too, so I have to leave these to dry for a considerable time before I can peel off the masking fluid. I’m pleased with my versions of 18d, but concerned about the ‘pool of vomit’ effect of my attempts at 15d. Not sure drying and peeling will help!