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Well I guess I started this blog as lately I have been really wanting to get back into making artwork again. I have read a couple of other blogs on here and its good to know that others share the same doubts about their practice, but I feel almost as if I am starting from scratch.

After graduating a year ago (eek!) I went straight into working on FRED, a big-deal arts festival, but making a piece that wasn’t really mine… in that it was a piece thought up by a group of artists I am part of, and I ended up being the one doing the work!

I kinda thought that would lead me straight into full time artists work but instead ended up spending 6 months working nights in a supermarket and life modelling during the days to make ends meet. Tough.

In May I quit and decided that I would work in the creative sector, so I took on the lease to a huge church building, and set about creating The Cecil Street Project arts centre in Carlisle. Its been a hugely stressful, difficult, rewarding, cash poor, fantastic time and our launch party on Friday night was really well attended, and now I feel like what I really want to do is make work again- the difficult job!

Ive not really properly spent time making since my degree, and even then I was constantly plauged by doubts about my practice and my abilities. I guess what I really want to do with this blog is explore my practice, try to kick start it once more and try to find out from others where they get thier ideas and practice from- does it just come naturally?

I don’t want to talk about CSP too much as I really need some me time, away from the black hole that is the centre, but wanted to give some background in my first post just incase anyone other than me reads this (or incase I forget!)

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