I have a yukky, sniffly cold and worse still, I have let myself be utterly consumed by projects with schools and community groups etc. For some bizarre reason this always happens to me at the end of the summer term. Not only have I set myself a ludicrously complex task which is coming in way over budget, but to deliver on my own self-imposed deadline is requiring me to work flat out leaving my own work to one side. I think to cut to the chase, once I start making things, anything really, I start to get excited and always want to push it one stage further. I set myself ridiculously ambitious goals, which is great because I get plenty of work, but ironically it’s not the work I really want.
With frustration building, I have got as far as dividing my workbook into clearly labelled sections, they read:
galleries to visit/contacts
work to be made
film effects to explore
new words
The master plan is that once summer holidays have started I will get up at 7 AM, go straight to the studio and work until 10 AM, (luckily I’ve got really sleepy children who conveniently like to sleep in during holidays). As such the mangled mess of half finished work in the studio should be resurrected and completed. Come September, space for photographing will be hired and a proposal put together to be subsequently sent to galleries. Looking at a website for an exhibition recently which interviewed all the artists I noticed one woman say she had written to over 100 galleries and museums in order to get the show she had planned on tour, I guess it’sthat sort of dedication that gets results. It certainly made me sit up and think.
In truth though I have purposely cut myself some slack this year as far as applying for opportunities goes. I’ve spent a lot of time putting a proposal together for a show in Salisbury but I’ve also spent a lot of time thinking and planning the direction of my work without the pressure of application deadlines. I have four children and right now they need a lot of my time – but that will change. If I am completely honest I feel confident in my practice. Confident to take time to allow my work develop at a pace I can handle.
Right now though, it’s out with the tissues and the Lemsip because, at the end of the day, there is no one to pass the work on to, the buck for these projects well and truly rests with me.