It was necessary to start another blog. This sister blog if you like, charts the progress of the project I’m pushing forward in Salisbury. In short I am juggling two blogs. Try as I might, my juggling skills are seriously limited both in the area of balls and in the area of blogs. My recent entry in ‘Lighting the Touch Paper’ refers to a day-long meeting at my home with curator and artist etc. held Monday past. It contains the facts and little else. It does not contain the added details such as the fact that sitting in one chair for five hours is a surefire way to get excruciating backache and that a dog who eats a camembert will inevitably throw it up at the most inconvenient moment, under the study table. This meeting was sandwiched between a village event on Sunday where I was tasked to build the biggest globe in Wiltshire with the local scouts in about 40minutes flat (this was a bit of flannel really as we don’t actually know if Wiltshire has any giant or even rather large globes to compare it with) and another task on Wednesday to set up a schools exhibition in Salisbury, part of which required producing yet another giant sculpture, in this case a pair of spotty wellies. During the week I have also been milling around the dilema of how to deal with child care when I take my latest piece of work to Cardiff for the Wunderland exhibition at tactileBOSCH. On Wednesday evening, after a diet of a diabetic pill taken too late washed down with a heavy red wine, I crashed exhausted into bed only to wake up feeling ill a short time later and in a state of blind panic with all these events whizzing around my brain in some horrific giant sculpture workshop nightmare. Morning arrived and with it a bit of sanity – with half term on the horizon, let’s hope it lasts.
Flesh on the Bones of the Belfast Child