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the weather got the better of us yesterday – the latest co pro meeting cancelled as the weather closed in on derby and derbyshire.  a week ago the derwent was so high the ground floor of the mill became victim to water ingress – a once in 15 year occurrence.

on site yesterday i experienced how cold and harsh a place the site is and still the work continues.  i caught up with the recent work on the third floor and stories of the flood last friday.

in amongst all the building works and weather conditions are the people who make the museum of making.  all as important as each other as they all have their part to play – if one of them didn’t do what they did the project would be worse off because of it.

one of the aspects of the project i would have talked about last night is why is this an artist project – i’m still asking questions of myself and the work – still i search for a title.

since september the experience of being on site has evolved for me.  i’ve got to know a little those regularly working on site – those who want to talk and those who don’t.   as an artist on site i’m now starting to migrate more to those who show interest and wanting to engage – those who see value in what they are doing relative to the on going history of the building.  some talk of bringing their grand children to the museum when it’s open.

reflecting upon my experience yesterday i’m reminded about how the building needs people and people need the building.  my work will need people to complete the intention and its this intention that continues to circle and be reiterated.  at the meeting last night i was planning on speaking and recording myself to help me gain more insight into the research i’ve been doing so far.


“there are lots of things to do in life”

jorge lorenzo 2019.


reflecting this morning about the recent months – i’ve been drawn into exchanges that have diluted me away from investigating the core intention.  i’ve had to get involved as the matters directly have impact upon the work being shown in the museum upon opening, this has been about the content and the viewing environment.  i look forward to the rescheduled arts and heritage meeting where i am happy to say more about this.

outside the clouds are starting to clear and a #bluesky starts to emerge.  the ongoing filming continues and we move one day at a time towards seeing for ourselves the finished museum of making – making for ourselves in the museum of making.