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I divide my working hours between making my standard production for future shows and trying new ideas. I am studying the book by James Trilling: "Ornament, a Modern Perspective", and I want to clarify what is the origin of my need for ornament and decoration in my life and work.

Since last year I have become aware of the double influence that my parents' different personalities have had on the moulding of my personality. On one side the need for neat and tidy lines and rigid planning and on the other a rich surface of colour, curves, uneven patterns and freedom.

Whenever I grab a pen and a piece of paper I start doodling and all the patterns in my subconscious come up, the paving stones in my home town, the railings along the sea promenade, the patterns of Emanuele Luzzati's paintings, and so on. How can I incorporate them in my work?