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It is very curious that James Trilling associates Mozart and Matisse as “complex givers of simple pleasures”, I did not know Matisse when I was growing up, but I think Emanuele Luzzati can be associated to Mozart in the same way.

What I am hoping is that my pots show the real essence of me with all my history, and that eventually I will understand what my hands are doing and where I am going. Reading Richard Jacobs’ “Searching for beauty” I select phrases that resonate in me and I want to capture them. In the first letter he talks about asking questions and not to look for answers. I agree that I should enjoy the questions about my work and where it is taking me, without trying yet to find the answers.

I must look up at Yanagi’s book The unknown craftsman: Richard quotes from it “the love of the irregular is a sign of the basic quest for freedom”. I know that I need to add irregularity to my throwing, but I also know that there is a limit to how much off it can go. I am the arbiter with my internal set of values that are determined by my personal history and influences.