Funding for international travel and exchange
Funding… now that was a really nice Christmas present !
I saw the email and automatically assumed it was another reject from somewhere …as you do. But no – it had attachments…and an opening sentence of ‘ Congratulations! Your group has been awarded a NAN bursary’!
Text Sue ( Sue Meyerhoff Sharples) to tell her the news and she was just …overjoyed was an understatement.
We’d spent the best part of the last six months talking and planning our International project. The group we are part of – SOUP COLLECTIVE had been offered an exhibition at METAL Liverpool, for February 2011 and after a series of discussions with people from the Gallery, we mutually decided that we would work on collaborations with others to give a different edge to the exhibition.
So the next step was to find collaborators…..
To cut a very long story short (as I know that I will now be making regular updates on the use of the funding – and I don’t want to bore everyone rigid with pages of background info!! ) …. we made contact with artists from Norway, Austria and USA…and collaborations were planned.
The problem was that SOUP COLLECTIVE was made up from artists who had some connection with Tate Liverpool, so bringing in ‘outside’ artists to exhibit with us, didn’t fit the group rationale. We had to set up a ‘sister’ group, which was more open, so that the two groups could work simultaneously. GLOBAL Traders was born.
This gave us a platform to extend our practise internationally ( more info about the group and why we chose the name later, or find it are under info on the facebook page ) There are several projects on the go at the moment, which I will give regular updates on, but the fact that we were awarded the funding, means that we can connect with other International artists in person.
So…….back to the NAN bursary….
My collaborator for METAL also happens to run a studio space in Tromso, Norway. Through correspondence, we thought ‘wouldn’t it be nice if we came over to see how your studio works, meet up with the artists there and exchange some ideas….’
…and that is why we asked – and were awarded (!) the funding. To which we are hugely grateful!