It is an uncomfortable feeling – reading someone else’s mail. A few of the postcards had arrived in envelopes, so I didn’t open them until I had ‘permission’ from Jet. They had personal messages in, which added to my discomfort – it was an essential part of the work though.

It is interesting to watch people as they circle the post-box, hesitating and looking round before picking up a card to read.


Less than 3 weeks to go now until we head off to Tromso………

Last weekend went well at the Threshold festival at CUC. Loads of people can in to see the artwork and listen to the bands. It was a lot of work just for three days of exhibition space – especially as I only had one day to hang it all. But luckily, I had a lot of helpers so shouldn’t complain.

I’m off to METAL this afternoon to invigilate, so thought I’d better set-aside some time to write an update.

Small projects have asked us to talk about our work and the group set up, while we are there. Scary, but sort of expected. as the whole reason for our visit was to communicate with other artists:

Go and see bursaries are artist-led, peer-reviewed bursaries supporting travel between artists’ groups and networks in the UK or elsewhere, in order to explore new links and provide a focus for critical exchange, research and peer development.

The aims of the bursaries are intended to reflect the NAN mission: to promote the aspirations of artists and the development of practice through peer dialogue and exchange.

What we have now been asked to do though, is bring examples of our work. Bit of a tricky one that, as, to keep travel costs down, we are only taking the one suitcase between us – plus hand luggage.

Whatever we take, will have to be fairly small, light and most importantly, easy to carry through customs. Nice, interesting challenge though!

We’ve had another week of incommunicado – Jet and his group have headed off to Stockholm for ‘ Supermarket’ : http://www.supermarketartfair.com/

I’m looking forward to hearing about how that went as it might be worth us looking into for next year.


I should really try to write more often. I am after all, treating this as a report of the collaboration between the Norwegian group and ours, which will be handed in, like an assignment, at the end of our project.

Hanging the exhibition at Metal took more time than anticipated. There were a few problems with the installation of Jet’s work that shouldn’t have happened. I’d misunderstood ‘Would I make a post box’ for him, as literally making a post box . Luckily, I hadn’t put a huge amount of effort into it ( which is a really terrible admission – but my concerns were with my own work!) I’d taken a box, cut a letter sized slit in it, and painted it red.

Fortunately, I sent Jet an image before it was hung in the gallery!! He wasn’t happy. He wanted the type of post box some people have outside their houses. I explained that I didn’t have one and really didn’t know anyone else who did. Don’t think he could fathom that one out. He sent an image he’d found on EBay. but even with bidding for it there and then, it wouldn’t arrived in time.

It was a case of going out and buying one. … Damn!! It was just a stupid miscommunication brought about by following instructions by an occasional email and not in person. It did again though highlight cultural differences.

The exhibition looked good – we were pleased with it. The collaborations joined together without too many seams showing. As well as other works, I’d made a poster representing a holiday destination guide to complement Jet’s postcards. they worked together well.

While dealing with the installation at Metal, we seized the opportunity to take part in a 3 day music and arts festival in Liverpool : http://thresholdfestival.co.uk/

I wanted to see if I could create an exhibition out of works that had been posted to me. This gave me an idea of involving more members of the Norwegian group to encourage a crossover of ideas for future plans. As it was only for 3 days and I had to hang the exhibition myself, I couldn’t promise too much. Three students from the nearby Tromso Academy got back to me with their interest. I must point out now that their command of the English language is amazing. I feel totally ashamed that its now only a month till we go across and meet them and I have still only picked up a few words!!l

All three worked in a similar manner – as you often find with people studying together, but they show a strength and maturity which should bode well in this exhibition.

I’ve taken Wednesday off to hang it all.


It was good to get the flight booking out of the way – one less worry! But its been hard going looking for a hotel. I mean – looking for a hotel within our price range. Norwegian accommodation is unbelievably expensive. Then I looked again at the web page of the studios we are visiting… it has a kitchen, shower block, an office and a lot of spare room. Hmmmmm… couldn’t we stay there for at least part of our stay? Emailed Jet… yes we can stay there – but ‘It’s a bit basic’. If ‘basic’ means we are saving at least £150 a night – I’m up for it! It’s yet another thing we can push back to the ‘to do eventually’ list now, so that we can concentrate on more pressing things.

A week away from the installation at Metal…….


Flights to Tromso are now booked – yeah!

Took a lot of searching and got an awful lot of advice to find the cheapest… but found something in the end – even though it involves a bit of a trek either side. Tromso though, as someone quite rightly stated, is after all virtually in Greenland! Now to find cheap accommodation. Is that possible in Norway?