This is an online article from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s online gateway to science about mental health and grafitti.
We started talking about how the police began to say that grafitti could become an obsession for some kids – and could that then be termed as a symptom of a mental illness?.. We’ve been writing on walls since the cave men – who decides its madness? When does illness refer to morality – when did it become immoral to write on walls?
Today we’ve had a meeting to discuss the plans for trips and other research. We’ve also had a good discussion about shell shock / post traumatic stress / war and ecstasy…
Role of the curator
I was invited to meet the Pool Arts members to introduce myself as a Support Curator and to learn more about were the artists thinking was at for the exhibition. It was lovely to be back as I was a member a few years ago and it was great to see lots of familiar faces. I am still learning with every project as a curator although I have been co-curator at Paper gallery in Manchester for a year. In my arts education work I have helped students curate exhibitions for the Start Programme at the Chinese Arts Centre. My own arts practice is performance based which involves creating installations in response to specific spaces. As we move forward with the project I intend to have two sessions a month with the group which will be a mixture of talks, artist crits, 1-2-1 sessions, and workshops. From what I heard at our initial meeting I am really excited to hear about the artists work so far and the variety of media they are using. There seems to be three timelines happening for this project: 1.Personal Artistic Response 2.Historical Legislation Timeline 3.Research & Development Programme.
Nicola Smith