Curator Session 2
For my second presentation to Pool Arts I felt it was really important to show examples of strong and weak curating. It was also a good opportunity for me to reflect on previous exhibitions I had co-curated. Working with Pool Arts assisting the curation of their show is a collaboration with us all learning together which I am really enjoying. Looking at the overall visual impact of an exhibition opened up the possibility of different display structures, using colour instead of white and the layout/spacing of artworks.
A weaker show we reviewed was a good example of how too much artwork in a small space can have the effect of wallpaper, with no real focus. After this I spoke about planning a performance piece titled Black & Gold which was made for the Chinese Arts Centre. As a performer I think spatially and always consider how the audience will interact with the work. Thinking in this way has fed into how I curate spaces which again I wanted to share with Pool Arts. The group really enjoyed watching the performance video and I felt another session around performance should be planned in.