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Folly stones.

thank you to all that came on saturday for the launch of ‘furiously mad’ it was a fantastic day! i missed most of it because i was giving folly stone information sessions for 3 solid hours.

the folly stones art work has been developed by me Trae england-shortt (artist and member of pool arts) over the last 4 months.

the project all started when i was doing reserch in the rylands libary, looking for medieval cures for madness. i came upon the picture ‘the cutting of the stone’ by hironimus bosch. this got me thinking what if i asked my friends and aquantances if they could write me a story based in the 1400’s about their folly (madness) thats where the folly stories came from. they were also asked to submit a folly stone of their own choosing. those stones you saw yesterday. by doing this project i have not just shown you my folly (the love to pretend and play) but their folly. all the folly stories people submitted came from their hearts sometimes they wrote about true experiances and maybe maybe it helped some to deal with certain things, some just made the stories up and had lots of fun doing this.

on this blog you can see the full folly stories as people sent them and also the way the project developed for me. thank you for taking part i loved it.


(Dr Somersby)