i am aware of my quite poor blog keeping. i am envious of alex’s blog, it reads really well and i am drawn into his world.

i’ve been asked to do an interview.

thing is, just how far do i want the world to enter my world ? how far am i prepared to go in telling the world what i am doing? i’m in agreement with duffy and hemsworth that the work is the statement, and ultimatley, according to hemsworth the rest is bullshit. if the rest is bullshit, why is there so much emphasis on talking about the work? is it some sort of general lack of getting visual communication and thus it has to be backed up by traditional words, a kind of keeping an eye on the subversives. making sure that what the visual statement says isn’t too questioning and pushing the ideals of people too much.

i wonder if art as a service to the public is in danger of becoming very safe and fluffy and purely entertaining as we wouldn’t want to upset or offend the public, for they might not attend our show of our art.

gormley spoke about testing what it is to be human. what actually is it to be human? how many of us are able to truely individually say what being human is? asking questions seems to be the important thing, it’s something that is a function of intelligence and i think we are the most intelligent animal on the planet, so someone will offer an answer. answers to what though? questions set up by individuals we may never meet yet they have an affect on us. what happens when we can ask a question, do we ask it, or are we quiet as we spend so long being quiet.

if one meets a succession of people, how long before the pattern of quietness ness is noticed and the next time a meeting occurs, the silence is challenged by asking a question.

i was raised in a manner that has left me in a questionable position, i think i have to maintain questions, so i can ask questions of others.

and finally is a question the beginning of a conversation. if more questions were asked…would there be more conversations.


just as i was getting ready to compose this post i saw the word critical again, at the entrance to artists talking. threw me a bit, i’ve moved my work into the gallery today, having left my work there, i had left feeling critical, leaves me now wondering again what is meant by critical. can anybody help me here ?

while in the gallery it felt really good to chat with the others, to share stories and start to feel part of a group show in a gallery.

recently i watched the goldsmiths maf programmes. here’s the catch, what is critical and what is not critical. if any thing is possible as the democratic capitalist construct allows that (and ignoring lazy technicians, and i can say that as i’ve been a prophicient technician) (oh maybe that’s not critical that just personal view of a situation, and heaven forbid personal view)….oh hang on i’ve lost the thread.

our culture is a construct, it’s made up as it goes along.

dam got hung up again about critical. please can anyone explain to me clearly what is meant by it?

i’ve gone onsite today, i feel a little less tense and i’m looking forward to seeing the work in place.


i’ve entered a controlled panic. always have liked walking into aroom and making a big statement.

it’s the last few days of preparation prior to installing the work in the space. in controlled panic there is enjoyment in the process, as drummond said ” the art is in the making”.

what does drummond know though? he knows his own thing, he does his own thing, does his thing test what my thing is? if his thing is to do things to things with monartary value in a personal exploration of how that feels, then jolly good show i say. does it test me? not really.

i’ve got what research is this week. i’ve been making the vantage points for the piece. i rapidly went through the right i’ll do this, to oh that falls apart really easily, to i know if i do this it’ll make it stronger, to right i do this, this, this, drink tea, then this this and finally that. i’ve always researched with new media endeavours, not realising that the process i was going through was indeed research. with a physical object, the research has a much more tenable nature. my exploration of sculptural new media continues….